quinta-feira, maio 28, 2009

Hippie (ex-cocacólatra)

"Hippie (ex- cocacólatra)"

E ai! Cheguei Chegando... Eu toô noutra agora. Minha nóia é "baseada" nas coisas naturais da vida... não me entendam mal (RSRSRS) "tudo demais tem limite", como diz a letra da música brega do CONDE.
tudo em excesso prejudica o organismo... (dá uma pausa cinicamente e continua)
Eu sou suspeito pra falar (RSRSRS!)...minha primeira vez foi numa festa de aniversário, eu tinha por volta de 6 anos,. A mesa decorada com bolo brigadeiros, canudinhos de camarão e como eu era rechonchudinho nessa época queria me manter desse jeito!(RSRSRS!)
Como em toda festinha de criança tem um moleque querendo beslicar algo (EU), minha surpresa foi uma garrafa com líquido preto parecendo lama, mas tava na mesa dos doces (???) então devia ser gostosa, ou era sacanagem da galera!!!
Bem, serviram as crianças (bolo, doces) e Eu tava curioso para saber se iriam dá aquela bebida, também, que mais parecia óleo queimado de carro?
Vi um garoto, maior que eu, espinhento, bebendo um copo com aquela substÂnica viscosa. Cheguei perto dele e perguntei de que gosto era. - Experimenta!- ele falou.
Então me deu um gole daquela bebida estranha. Até que o cheiro era bom, tipo xarope doce, borbulhinhas na lingua e tudo!
Quase que ponho para fora (pelo nariz)...
Mas, de repente, aquela sensação de ter-me empanturrado de doces e salgadinhos...(praticamente tirei a barriga da miséria)... icou para trás me senti leve por dentro e as sensação só foi quebrada por causa de um arroto (involuntário, claro!)
E além de descobrir uma maneira de ter mais espaço para o rango no bucho, ainda poderia soltar um brado de leão (meu recorde ficou em média de 5 segundos! RSRSRS) Bem eu só achava as festinhas de aniversário legais se rolasse uma colinha...
Na adolescência ficou mais pesado: misturava com Vodka, rum, e até PITÙ!
Tomava uma dose e ia logo pensando na próxima. a agonia era tanta que eu olhava os copos alheios de outras mesas ou as garrafas, imaginando se tinha algo para mim e tal!
Realmente difícil de entender essa paranóia??
Era sim uma dependente, um cocacólatra!
Ainda mais, hoje em dia, seu poder aumentou tnato (não sobre mim, me libertei!) que até outros sabores e marcas aderiram ao seu monopólio.
Aind abem que já se foram meus dias de agonia como cocacólatra!

by Denilson, Rosane Jamille, Paulo Telha

quarta-feira, maio 27, 2009

alone again

"Alone again"
When I left you ( I ignored thesse guessers) that time we were too methodical, too predictable and we needed to perform at our rare field level. So, instead, we didn´t be it.

Looking back, i don´t regret for a moment my comments about us.
Because i was seeing signs of the disharmony; I shouldn´t be too surprised. the signs have been there all along, even during our fun times.
i´m here once again the floor in my bedroom isn´t still wellwet and cold, I can see mice hunting some scraps of my last night meal i´ve eaten junkie food. I´m 30, sick alone just walking around by myself, i myself help me with my crutches.
but I don´t think you are better than me even if you´re trying continued to ignore me. how could you be undesirable as you were many times!
i´m here alone, bored. I was perfect when was working sitting and listening the tapping of my fingers hitting the keyboard! I think I was ok, working there! i´ve been just tired sometimes. But I don´t know when i´m happy or depressed indeed. Life´s been hard to me, competetive to the bone, chaostrophobic, disloyal.
Solitude is something deep down inside that reflects outside us and i have no control of it. but people says solitude fits me well. I don´t think so!
they think they really know me or anyone else.
By Denilson

Critical comments

"Critical comments"
according to our rules the "show must goes on!".
But I wasn´t there when you called me.
"Iwas needing you!" - you told me.
I never admitted the error for you. I know the incident illustrated to me how conditioned i am to find fault with you, after all these years. I suppose your anger is deeper than I imagined it.
you put everything on the line for me.
you always occupied a special spot in my head (consciousness).
"you got to come back" you said. But I am not under control i already decided to leave. i need to restore my confidence before come back to you.
But it´s only one of numerous possibilities of my next paces to know what happen next.
I know you having been waiting anxiously for my return but we usually go in separated ways.
i offer no justification...
As punishment; i made myself work hard to forget how hurt is being apart of you,
so, what´s going on with me and you?
To blame myself which is nothing new, suggest a point of other problem. Even our mutual friends have joined in making critical comments.
By Denilson

terça-feira, maio 26, 2009

PLACEBO announce a UK tour

We are pleased to announce that tomorrow, the 27th May at 9am, you will be able to buy tickets for the new December tour from the PLACEBOWORLD shop before they go on general sale!

The band are playing:

Tuesday 08th December - Birmingham LG Arena
Wednesday 09th December - London The O2
Friday 11th December - Bridlington Spa
Saturday 12 December - Manchester Central
Monday 14th December - Glasgow SECC
Tuesday15th December - The Olympia Theatre, Dublin

Tickets are priced at £25 for all shows, except London O2 Arena which are £26.50 and Dublin Olympia Theatre are €40.

Ticket pre-sale starts at 9am on the 27th of May, general sale begins 9am on the 29th.

Check PlaceboWorld for ticket links and more details!



If you purchase an album from the official Placebo store you can enter the competition to win a beautiful Gold Disc.
You can add the Album to your basket during your ticket purchase too.

The discs were presented to Brian & Stefan for recognition of 100,000 sales of the album ‘Once More With Feeling’. The discs are 70x70 cms and have been signed by Brian & Stefan.

For a chance to own one of these incredible items of memorabilia that money cannot buy, simply get yourself a copy of the stunning new album via the PlaceboWorld Store.

Competition closes 8th June 2009

You can discuss this and all the excitement at the Placebo Fans WorldWide Forum.

Placebo Team xoxo

Love hurts but i like it!

"Love hurts but I like it"
They just want to be worshiped and loved by you
Clap your hands
they are alive show them how is easier to do the right things
To the better choices gained

To best thing for to do is to be able to get in a trip
the best thing for to say is saying how pleasant it´ll gonna be
to get high when it´s safe
And get sober when dealing with the carnivorous capitalistics
evolve to feel, grown up to understand, love to protect and put your hands up to fee the embrace and when you´re shared open up your mind instead close it to other point of view.
this will make you thrown´ up. Don´t be shy it´s just because you´d probably be high again once more

All you need is to feel the love blossom again.
So let the bad things go.
Feel the power of the silence. Be quiet and listen before doing something wrong.
listen with your ears and gnawing with your heart
You must gather lots of soft things to feel the sweet emptiness of being in peace
i guess that hunch was good hunch!
Love doesn´t hurt but we hurt it all the time. Don´t be mislead...
Poor little rich people with a death wish eating their egotist hearts.

By denilson