sexta-feira, novembro 30, 2012

"A state of ideal perfection"

Eyes wet , toward, wide open frayed, glacing for more queries...
I am barely makin' sense, from now I am fakin' ...unsure unconvincing...
If it wasn't for you despair none of this would've happened and I would've been to control myself.

My lack of attention made you drained the rest of the pit...
I've more than respected your points and our untangled histories.
but you were so obvious with your selected memories

You made me sure didn't tell you  again how much it was a mistake.
We stopped gathering engaging dialogues while disagree sans judgements...
the promises for we would stay, forgive, accept, allow,  evolve, and open, and divulge, and so speak up got a different path in a way.

Without opened our arms and jumped in.... We won't get to a state of countless amounts of outright acceptance.
All we need is a God who can listen our speaking of anger and doubts, our fears and freak outs, and hold it.
So that we can share our so-called-filled shame-filled accounts of times in our lives and He won't judge them...

That's why this is the only kind of love as I understand it that there really is...

By Denilson

quinta-feira, novembro 29, 2012

'Sonho médio”  ( the 'medium way of life”)

Amanheceu mais uma vez
(the day has risen one more time)
É hora de acordar para vencer
(it's time to wake up for win) )
E Ter o que falar
(and have something to say)
Alguém para mandar, uma vida pra ordenar
(someone to command / to order )
Poder acumular e ai então viver
(to  ammount things and then  to win)
Viver e prosperar, mais nada a pensar
(To live and succed, with nothing less to think about  )
Me myself and I, e assim permanecer
(Me myself and I, and to satnd that way)
Credicard ,status quo, é tudo que penso ser
(Credicard, status quo, it's all I think to be )
Ilusão é questionar
(Questioning is delusion)
O sonho médio vai, vai te conquistar
(the 'medium way of life” will seduce you)
E todo dia iremos juntos ao shopping pra gastar
(and everyday We will go to the shopping mall to spend )
Ter e sempre acreditar, princípio meio e fim
(To have and always believe, From the begining to the ending)
A hipocrisia vai vencer, vou sorrir pra você (Hipocritism wil win, I am goin to laug/grin on you)
Será uma festa em meio ao caos e as pessoas feias pagarão.
( It will a party among the CHAOS and ugly people will pay)
Pois somos os eleitos, pelo menos achamos ser (Cause we are the chosen, at least we believe in)
Nossa raça é superior, mas vou fingir ser daquela cor
(Our kind is superior, but I will pretend to be like the other one)
Roberto Campos é o nosso gurú
(Roberto Campos is our GURU)
E para sempre seremos liberais pra trabalhar, pra viver!
(And we'll be liberate forever, for work for live)
Não me importa se meus filhos não terão educação
(I don't mind if my kids won't have education)
Eles tem é que Ter dinheiro e visual
( They must have money and pose / visual)
O sonho médio vai, vai te conquistar
(the 'medium way of life” will seduce you)
Mentalidade de plástico e uma imagem a zelar
(Fake plastic minds and a visual to save)

trad. Denilson Silva

terça-feira, novembro 27, 2012

About to explode!!!

To all the liars in this world; The fucking INSANE liars that do all the harm then ALWAYS accuse the other.

Don't let yourselves be attacked, defend yourselves; hold on. The attackers will always try to destroy you rel...entlessly, so ask your real friends for support; keep the assholes at bay. Love.^^

Lyrics - NOT SORRY -
''Keep on looking through the window again, (olhando através da janela de novo)

But I'm not sorry if I do insult you. ( Mas não estou ressentido se insulto você )
I'm sad, not sorry, 'bout the way that things went, ( estou triste, não ressentido, sobre como as coisas ficaram )
And you'll be happy and I'll be forsakin' thee. ( Você ficará feliz e eu renunciarei a você )

I swore I'd never feel like this again, (  Eu jurei "Que eu não me sentiria dessa maneira de novo" )
But you're so selfish, you don't see ( Mas você é tão egoísta, que não vê )
What you're doing to me,             (O que estais fazendo comigo)
I keep on looking through the window again.  ( Eu me mantenho da através da janela de novo )
No I'm not sorry if I do insult you. ( Não, não estou ressentido se insulto você )
No-o-o, I'm not sorry if I do insult you. (Não, não, não estou ressentido se insulto você)

You told me lies, and I sighed, and I sighed, and I sighed. (Você me disse mentiras, e eu suspirei, suspirei, suspirei...)
'Cause you lied, lied, and I cried, yes I cried, yes, I cry, I cry, I try again. (Pois você mentiu e eu chorei, chorei, e tentei - experimentei - de novo
(Thanks to The Cranberries for the song. see live video on:  )