quinta-feira, agosto 27, 2009

oh, my delicious diarrhea!!

"Oh my delicious diarrhea"

A delicious meal can become a destroying bomb in your intestin.
It happened with me. I woke up at 7:00 o´clock one day, I had breakfast (corn cake with a cup of milk), so i knew that I had a busy day that day, i started went to the library for sign me up in a scholarship´s colleges´ project´s drafting through the its Internet site. I spent two hours and a half but the connection fell many times... i didn´t have idea yet that other things will fall from me Da day!!
then i left the library at 111 a.m. and walked fast at about for 4 miles in 1h, so i decided to take a bus because i didn´t get to the court if i would continue walking. then, i spent "2 reais" (i´m not stingy it´s because i don´t like to spen money with autos or with something I don´t agree or need) but it was good to take that bus, my friend N. was in it also. We talking all the to the court about basketball women and colleges issues (not necessary in that order)
then We step off the bus and got in the court college at 12:30 there wasn´t water for us to drink because the were fixing the pipes. At 2:20 p.m. i started walking back home (1:45 minutes after) I was entering pharmacy in medical post station to pick up my neighbor´s medicines but the attendent said: "Her medicines will arrives only next friday and we will close at 3:00 o´clock pm , on!"
I hate myself but forgot it and started back my way to home my thoughts, my thighs, my stoach hurt and I hate them because i was tired hungry and thirsty!
It was 4:30 when I got into my home, I drank 2 glasses of water, and took another shower, then I had lunch and got into bed to rest a little bit before go to the School classes at 6:20.
But i almost lost the time to get dress and go to the school, so my mokm called shouting me and it was 5:45 p.m., and I had yet 20 minutes of walking ´till the school gate!
I was almost without energy but I drank coffe and milk with 8 crackers (biscuits). then i took my way to the school (that night I had three classes each one with 1:20 to stay focused - History, Chemistry and Geography-, at the first class the history teacher said that MAYBE Napoleon bonaparte was murdered by took a diarrhea he suffered after symptons of burning in his weak liver and stomach... some searchers think that Napoleon must had died by diarrhea or something bad like.
Well, me also laughed too as some other students in the classroom but I started to feel some sparkle in my stomac too as like farts´ symptons.
But at the final class (2:30 after the first one) I didn´t handle how to stop the burning in my tummy now under my navel!! Wheter or not I didn´t want to lose the geography class and go to the bathroom took me 20 minutes spended or something to get back to the classroom. my imprfection in degluting my intestin was devilshly making a treat with me...
at 10 past 10 p.m. teh classe was desmissed and I was walking fast back home trying not dirt my pants or at least my underwear. when I was near the corner of muy house .... omg, i dirt my undies, that wa shorrible I couldn´t handle the flussh... Butnwhen i said to my mom about it she confessed that poured butter in the Soy´s sauce I had ate before get slept that evening...
I ran to the bathro, did my work and toook my undies a wash... that bath was delicious and I took some drinks of Afavaca´s tea to regulate my body!! until 2p.m. I still had pain under my navel!! godshhs!
by Denilson

4 comentários:

  1. what is Afavaca??! something from vacas? in asian culture some people believe eating vaca PENIS is healthy!(comer pênis das vacas é saudável) ;D

  2. lol.. no my friend
    Afavaca is a plant . very cool its tea for stomach and intestin sickness and pain..lolol

  3. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  4. in asia, sea algae(algas marinhas) is also often used.
